суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

contributing diversity factor in workplace

This morning I�didnapos;t volunteer b/c I�was sick :/ I�was supposed to spend the rest of today�writing my French essay about Candide but�I�spent the day bullshitting. Thatapos;s ok, Iapos;ll get my hw done tonight and start writing.

Iapos;m actually quite happy with my emory essay. It might be one of the best papers Iapos;ve ever written (yea yea it was supposed to be a short answer, but whatever).

Iapos;m really happy.

contributing diversity factor in workplace, contributing editor, contributing editor james linx, contributing editor to.

cat nude walk

T�n�n on taas sellainen p�iv� jolloin ristiriitaisesti toivon, ett� minulla olisi edes yksi hyv� ja viisas yst�v� joka ymm�rt�isi sulkeutuneisuuttani. Ja kaipaan kaikkia menett�mi�ni hyvi� ihmisi� apatiaan asti. Samaan aikaan kuitenkin toivon itselleni enemm�n omaa yksin�ist� aikaa. Mutta meh�n tapaisimme hyv�n ja viisaan yst�v�n kanssa vain silloin kuin kumpikin sit� haluaisi (ja haluaisimme aina yht� aikaa).

Yst�v�lle ei tarvitsisi kierrell� kun sanoisi, ettei jaksa, se riitt�isi. Toinen ei kokisi vian olevan h�ness� eik� kokisi hylk�misen tunteita tai mustasukkaisuutta. Ihmissuhteissa olen v�synein siihen, ett� muut haluavat ja vaativat minulta aina jotain. Jos ei muuta niin selityksi� siit� miksi olen sellainen kuin olen, miksi olen niin hiljaa, mik� minua vaivaa, olenko sy�nyt ja liikkunut terveellisesti, nukkunut hyvin ja ties mit� muuta. Ja jos olen hiljaa, niin sitten ep�ill�n vian olevan itsess�. Pit�isi jaksaa osoittaa toiselle hyv�ksynt� juttelemalla iloisesti ja "normaalisti".

Joo, oikeasti olen nyt aika surullinen.
cat nude walk, cat nude woman, cat nuisance, cat nurse.

die another day by madonna

Lots of stuff going on lately. After (count em) TWO�months of living in Boston, Lauraapos;s decided she wants to move back to Colorado. She initially said she was going to just stay there when she went back for Christmas, but moved it up to November 1st when she found out she could change her ticket for no charge. She says itapos;s cause she couldnapos;t continue to live here financially since she hasnapos;t been able to find a job doing what she wants to do, but I have the feeling that it has to do more with the fact that Boston didnapos;t turn out to be quite like she expected. I�think she thought that she could move here, easily get a publishing job, make enough money to live comfortably and go out all the time. Needless to say, it didnapos;t quite happen like that. I�also think she really misses her boyfriend and is terrified that they wonapos;t be able to make it work if she stays here. Which is kind of a legitimate concern from my perspective. She also misses her family and kitty and her freakin adorable niece. I�get it. She was really worried that I would be mad when she told me, but Iapos;m not mad at all. Iapos;m sad she wonapos;t be here anymore, but she needs to do what will make her happy. I also think it will be nice to have it just be me and Craig in the apartment again. I love having Laura around, but itapos;s REALLY�hard to get one-on-one time with my boyfriend, and thatapos;s starting to take a toll. So yeah, a good thing for everyone.

I�work SIX�days this week. I�wasnapos;t scheduled that much, but was asked if I would pick up a shift in Medford yesterday and I�did. Guys, I�have a confession to make. They pay for my cab ride (about $45 each way), but I�took the bus and pocketed the cash. I�feel a little evil, but also resourceful.� Oops. Work is good, but exhausting. I work both mornings this weekend, which kinda sucks, but it will be fun. Hopefully I�wonapos;t forget that I was new 2 months ago and murder the new people. LOL.

My mom might come visit for Thanksgiving which is exciting Sheapos;s going to let me know soon. I�need to figure out when Iapos;m going home for Christmas. I blocked off almost 2 weeks on the work calendar so I have plenty of options I�freaking love the holidays and just canapos;t wait till after Halloween, cause I kinda hate Halloween.

I cleaned the kitchen, made pumpkin chocolate chip muffins, and have potato corn chowder simmering in the slow cooker. I�feel very domestic today. Itapos;s my only day completely off and Iapos;m being lazy as hell, lying on the couch and watching Exiled and Paris Hiltonapos;s New BFF. Good day. :)
die another day by madonna, die another day by madonna lyric, die another day car, die another day cars.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

blog hazelton usc vidal

Ugh. I think I've fallen into another one of those clusterfucks again.

You know, when you're procrastinating like college doesn't exist, and then you end up cramming the next minute for your midterm projects, cram artwork submissions for this and that and at the same time trying to repair your religious faith (I still haven't done my penance for last week's confession :( ), move on from the past and just completely fix your life and you realize you've messed up a lot of things pretty badly?


God I really need to focus on a lot of stuff right now but I can't function pretty well.
Huhu. :(

blog hazelton usc vidal, blog hazell keeley, blog haywood heather, blog hawaiian layout myspace.